Key Personnel

Adam Quipp, Director

Adam completed the Environmental Technology program at Fanshawe College in 1996. Since that time, Adam has worked with the Ministry of the Environment and in environmental consulting. Adam's experiences in the environmental field have exposed him to hundreds of projects in the capacity of completing the technical work, managing teams completing projects and in reviewing reports prior to their submission to the MOE. In addition, Adam has had the opportunity to publish several articles, conduct training in colleges and educate over 2,000 industry representatives through technical seminars. Furthermore, Adam has participated in joint industry, consulting and MOE committees and has notable relationships with many of the review engineers in the Approvals and Standards Development Branches. In 2004, Adam established a new environmental consulting firm with his partner Tim Logan. Contact:

Tim Logan, Director

Tim graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1994 with a degree in Anthropology at which point he enrolled in the Environmental Technology program at Fanshawe College . Upon completing the program in 1997, Tim entered the consulting field where he was directly involved in completing hundreds of environmental projects for a wide variety of industrial and institutional clients. His involvement spanned all aspects of completing a wide range of environmental projects including technical assessments (i.e., emission inventory development, dispersion modelling, on-site testing, etc.), project management and peer reviews. In 2004, Tim established a new environmental consulting firm with his partner Adam Quipp to specifically service industrial and institutional clients in Ontario with their regulatory requirements.

Ron Quipp, Project Manager / Regulatory Specialist

Ron has over 30 years of experience in the environmental field, 18 of which were spent with the Investigations Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment where environmental audits and inspections were completed routinely. As part of completing these inspections, Ron has reviewed hundreds of Certificates of Approval to ensure that all aspects of a facility's operations that require a permit were covered. Ron retired from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment in 2002 and established Quipp Environmental Consultants in 2003. Since the establishment of O2E in 2004, the two companies have worked closely on completing numerous C of A applications, each relying on the other's strengths to complete these projects in a technically accurate and timely manner. Contact: